Tha MonkeyClan of the Angry Monkey (FFXI)
raprot's blog
Submitted by raprot on Thu, 12/02/2004 - 09:10.


Has arrived in the ClanAM-FF Books section!
Click on the image above to see it.

Call for Papers!

For the new book series I need a couple write-ups on unique events, missions, or places in Vana'diel. All papers must be sent to me at [email protected] for editing and review. There is no deadline so feel free to submit at any time. The current topic of interest is NM hunting. Explanations of who, where, and what they drop. Feel free to list your top tens with ranks on difficulty/competition/payoff.

Submitted by raprot on Mon, 11/29/2004 - 08:42.

Every day we play in a huge world of monsters and mayhem, but the one place we really take for granted is the same place we almost always end up at the end of the night: our Mog.

There are a lot of perks that our mogs can give us, even outside of the mog. It's important that you know about furnishings so that you can use them to your advantage. First, lets start by describing what Moghancements are and what types there are.

Moghancements: These are special enhancements that you can receive. Each piece of furniture and painting that you add to your mog carries one of these benefits. They give general boosts to all different things between synthing and death.

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ClanAM FFXI is the website for the Clan of the Angry Monkey Linkshell community on the Phoenix server.

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